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Another level of restoration of xerothermic grasslands is conducted (Action C4)
In the middle of June 2011 we have started the restoration of xerothermic grasslands. Till the end of August 2011 we managed to finish the first level of this action: restoration of three patches in Trutwiniec, Owczary and Górzyca areas. For more information and details concerning the experiment and the first level of the action see archival news:

Preparing for the restoration of xerothermic grasslands (Action C4)

We have started xerothermic grassland restoration! (Action C4)

We have finished the first part of xerothermic grassland restoration (Action C4)

We have started another level of restoration of xerothermic grasslands in Owczary area (Action C4)

In March this year we have started the restoration of patches in Owczary and Pamięcin areas. Similar as in former levels we removed the Robinia pseudoacacia stands with belowground root system and we striped the upper part of soil (in total 1,7 ha). Currently we are setting up the experimental plots - squares 15 x 15 m. Some of them are sown by xerothermic species seeds, on the others we are transplanting the implants (whole fragments of well preserved grasslands) and the remaining plots were left to natural succession as a control.

In all restored patches we are going to collect the soil samples once more for the chemo-physical evaluations. This will help us to answer the question: whether the experimental soil striping is sufficient for exclusion of soil layer degraded by Robinia. It will also show us whether the other soil parameters, essential for the proper restoring of grasslands, will improve (e.g. high rate of calcium carbonate).