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We have started xerothermic grassland restoration! (Action C4)
In the mid of June, field work aimed at restoration of xerothermic grasslands has started. We selected 6 plots where the xerothermic vegetation disappeared during last years. One of the main reasons of the disappearing is overgrowing with Robinia pseudoacacia - invasive and non native tree. Therefore, we are going to remove upper part of soil as well as part of belowground root system of the species. The upper part of soil contains great amount of seeds of Robinia and relatively high nitrogen concentration. On such plots with removed soil we will reintroduce seeds of xerothermic plants and whole fragments of soil with the plants. More data on this issue is available in recent news entitled "Preparing for the restoration of xerothermic grasslands (Action C4)". As a first, we started the soil removal in subareas Górzyca and Owczary (Natura 2000 site "Uj¶cie Warty"). Actually, Robinia trees with root system are being removed in Górzyce and Owczary whereas remains of old buildings and ruins are being removed in Owczary. Detail soil monitoring is conducted parallel to the removing, to assess final ecological effects of this task.