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We have finished the first part of xerothermic grassland restoration (Action C4)
At the end of August we have finished first part of activity related with xerothermic grassland restoration on three areas (Trutwiniec, Górzyca and Owczary). At the three areas we removed invasive species Robinia pseudoacacia together with belowground root system. Moreover, we removed upper part of soil characterized by high abundance of seeds of Robinia pseudoacacia. In the case of Owczary area we removed remains of old barns.
The areas prepared in this way were divided into several sections according to type of grassland restoration applied:
1 - sowing seeds collected from adjacent grasslands
2 - transplanting of whole fragments of grasslands from adjacent grassland patches
3 - leaving for natural regeneration (succession)
The seeds were collected with the help of two methods: general and subjective. In the case of general method we used collecting seeds from the whole area of vegetation. In the case of subjective method we collected seeds from particular (subjectively selected) species. The seeds were collected at the grasslands placed in the vicinity of the regenerated areas in order to keep genetic structure of plant species as close to primeval as possible. The seeds collected in this way will be sown by hand.
Transplantation of patches of grasslands will be conducted with the help of translocation of fragment (40 cm x 40 cm x 30 cm) of vegetation with upper part of soil. Such fragment will be placed in the area where the grasslands need to be restored.
To the end of this year we are going to conduct similar actions on the area of Laski I and Laski II sites (within Pamięcin area).