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Grazing season in Odra Valley has started (Action C6)
With the beginning of May we started grazing Odra valley grasslands. The flock of eighty sheep and one goat started an intensive munching and trampling on Odra plots. In the frames of the project our shepherds have more and more to do. To their previous duties, like looking after sheep, setting up the electric fence or bringing fresh water, the new duties came: cutting down young sprouts, that appears a year after cutting trees and shrubs.

This year the shepherds appeared very creative. They worked out new, cycle system of flock transportation from grassland to grassland. Instead of taking them for a half of the day to truck and carrying them with two (or more) batches they drive them away going after them by bicycles. It is much more ecological, less stressful for animals and less time consuming method, although restricted to patches of grassland inside forest complexes, placed close to each other.