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A meeting to discuss strengthening the population of Echium russicum (Action C5)
A meeting was held on May 7 at the headquarters of the Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Lublin, attended by representatives of the Directorate, the Botanical Garden of the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University (MCSU), Dr. Marek Kucharczyk from MCSU's Natural Protection Department and local experts of the Lublin region from the Naturalists' Club. During the meeting, we initially agreed to a scope of work of population enrichment and reintroduction of Echium russicum in Posadów, Dobużek and Zachodniowołyńska Dolina Bugu - three known sites of this rare plant species in Poland. The main issues raised during the meeting were: the need to conduct genetic research on the Polish populations of Echium russicum, the possibility of strengthening the Polish population with specimens from neighboring countries, the possibility of collecting seeds from stands in the Lublin region, methods and timetable for preparing sites where new specimens will be planted. We also discussed the need to strengthen the populations of other threatened plant species in the Zachodniowołyńska Dolina Bugu area (among them: Gypsophila paniculata Baby's-breath, Iris aphylla Stool or Table Iris and Chamaecytisus albus.