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The experiment on the Stawska Góra site (Action C4)
In spring we had finished the first stage of the bushes removal in the Stawska Góra Nature 2000 site, located close to Che³m. Unfortunately the bushes were only partially removed as some part (mainly underground root systems) remained unaffected by the action. Therefore we decided to conduct the following experiment: we covered the area of the highest density of removed bushes with thick black foil. We expect that the plants covered with the thick, black foil will restrict plant growth. The patches where the foil was placed were not covered with xerothermic vegetation due to overgrown with bushes. The foil will be placed on the patches until winter of this year, than it will be removed and utilized. Every month the area will be visited to control whether the foil is still placed on the plots. On the basis of the result in spring 2013 we will decide whether the foil should be still kept on the plots or the restoration of the xerothermic vegetation can be started. During the realization of the foil placement we received invaluable help from the Zamo¶ę Nature Association - many thanks for your help!