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Autumn clearings on the grasslands (Action C1)
As the colder weather came in we had started clear-cutting of trees and bushes on the grasslands. In this year we are going to remove trees from over 22 ha of grasslands. We have started in Owczary where expansion of Robinia pseudoacacia constitutes the main threat for the xerothermic vegetation. The species had been removing during in the past, however it has recovered fast. The main problem related with removing of this species results from the fact that Robinia, even if cut near ground level, regenerates with high dynamics and creates dense bushes of young shoots. Moreover, after cut of the main trunk of the species it creates a lot of new shoots from the roots. As a result, dense cover of young shoots occur which significantly decreases of xerothermic vegetation persistence. Therefore, we made an attempt to address the problem with experimental methodology: we cut the trunks of Robinia at breast height (ca. 120 cm above ground level). The method was proposed by foresters which also try to "fight" with this species. The method bases on the assumption that such cut will result in grow-up of young shoots at the left trunks rather than from root system. This makes the difference as removing of shoots growing from the trunks at breast height is relatively easy as compared to removing of thicket of shoots growing up from roots. We assume that regular removal of such young shoots will result in death of an individual. One of the advantages of such method concerns prevention of increase in density of Robinia bushes which in turn facilitate xerothermic vegetation. We had tested the method at small plots in recent years and preliminary observations lead to a conclusion that it is effective. We hope that its implementation will let to reduce abundance of the invasive species with no use of chemicals.