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Grazing season has just started! (Action C6)
Similarly as in 2010, in the beginning of May we have just started mobile pasturage. Eighty ships were taken from our station in Owczary to xerothermic grasslands. The ships will be kept on the 15 grasslands covered by the project until September. Grazing pressure vary between particular grassland patches according to the local biotic and abiotic conditions: habitat type, vegetation type and biomass, size etc. The ships are present from 1 to two weeks on one grassland on average, however this period can be shortened or lengthen in response to local conditions. For example, on the biggest and strongly overgrown grasslands the ships are kept even for the whole month. In 2010 the shelters for sheep had been built (see former "news" section for details) on every grassland patch, to protect the sheep against strong sun and rain. Moreover, great majority of the patches covered by the project are bordered with wooden stumps, which caused that setting up the electric fence in much easier and faster. Fresh water for the sheep is provided from adjacent farmers of from our station in Owczary.