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Cows are back in the Dobużek area grasslands! (Action C8)
In the beginning of May we introduced to Mikulin (Tyszowice district, Lubelskie voivodship) cows of race called "Highland Cattle". The cows were placed in the fenced area and left for rest after the trip from place of origin located over 400 kilometers from Mikulin. These shaggy creatures will face not easy task: grazing the overgrown xerothermic grassland in the Dobużek area. The cows are expected to continue grazing in similar way as typical in Poland, black and white cows, many years before in this site. The whole action related with the cows remains part of one of the most important tasks in the project: restoration of extensive grazing on the xerothermic grassland with the help of local farmers. The farmer who agreed to cooperate with us (and therefore to protect the grassland!) obtained the cows and equipment necessary to fence the grassland. In near future we are going to build the shelter for the cows.