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The volunteers gave us a hand! (Action C6)
A lot of xerothermic grasslands in Odra valley become overgrown as they were not used for last years. That is why one of the most important task in our project is to cut out undesirable species of trees and bushes. Besides professional companies we arranged also volunteers. At the 2nd of October youths from Public Junior High School the name of John Paul II in Moryñ under careful care of their teachers: Julia Miecznikowska and Edyta Domaradzka and Life+ project workers (Pawe³ Pluciñski, Micha³ ¯mihorski, and Katarzyna Barañska) had cut out seedlings of birch and aspen at almost 2 hectare of xerothermic grasslands and moorlands in Dolna Odra Nature 2000 site! All together worked very hard with amazing enthusiasm and great understanding for the significance of the task they had been caring out. During their work they had learned a lot about active protection of nature. Results of work were summarized during common camp - fire. Removing trees and bushes from seminatural sites like xerothermic grasslands or moorlands causes increase of isolation and prepares the area for next important form of active protection which is extensive pasturage. We would like to thank all people for their help and invite them for the next season.