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The first contract with a private landowner for grassland grazing along the Oder River has been signed (Action C8)
Extensive grazing is one of the fundamental factors required for the preservation of xerothermic grasslands. This is why we want to work with private landowners during the 4-year term of the project to develop mechanisms enabling the return of this type of land use on the Natura 2000 sites included in the project. We planned several activities to encourage landowners to extensively graze their xerothermic grasslands, even though today this activity is not profitable. In return for permission to use the land, owners can receive a flock of livestock and a trailer for their transportation. Additionally s/he will receive help to fence the pasture and erect sheds for the animals. Grasslands are often prone to strong natural succession, which is an additional difficulty in returning their use to grazing. For this reason, owners will also be assisted with removing brush from the grasslands. Additionally, project staff will help owners secure agricultural subsidies for using the grasslands. All the details about these arrangements are included in the contract, which the Naturalists' Club signs with owners willing to have their lands grazed. We hope that this type of activity will start the process of having animals return to at least some of the xerothermic grasslands and that the extensive use of grasslands will again be a profitable branch of the economy.

This year, we were already able to persuade an owner of a grassland from Czelin (see the description in "About the project - areas - Oder") to sign such an agreement. Discussions are underway with several other owners willing to have their grasslands grazed in the lower Oder River valley, Żurawce and Zachodniowołyńska Dolina Bugu.