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A meeting was held with landowners of the Żurawce area (Action A1)
A meeting was held on June 20 in the village community center of Żurawce (Tomaszów Lubelski County, Lubycza Królewska Township) between Katarzyna Barańska, Anna Cwener and Piotr Chmielewski of the Naturalists' Club and owners of the land where the "Korhynie" and "Żurawce" environmental use areas are located. These areas are part of the Żurawce Natura 2000 site. Mr. Jerzy Cynk and Mr. Waldemar Gargoła, agricultural advisors, also participated. In his private life, Mr. Gargoła is also a member of the Zamojski Nature Association. Information about the "Conservation and restoration of xerothermic grasslands in Poland - theory and practice" project and its planned activities were enthusiastically received both by the private landowners as well as by the president of the Agricultural Produce Cooperative in Żurawce, which is located on a good portion of the land there. Participants expressed great approval for the plans to remove shrubs and thin out the juniper stands from some of the grasslands, as well as to install an educational trail with interpretive signage in Żurawce.

We sincerely thank all those who attended the meeting! We especially would like to thank Mr. Cynk and Mr. Gargoła for their assistance with organizing the meeting.