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A meeting was held with the Mayor of the Szczebrzeszyn Township about the Niedzieliska area (Action A1)
A meeting was held on May 27 with the Mayor of the Szczebrzeszyn Township about project implementation at the Natura 2000 site of Niedzieliska. This is one of the most difficult areas in the project, mainly due to its complicated ownership structure and many factors threatening it, including natural succession, trash dumping, and the plowing of grassland fragments. At the meeting, Katarzyna Barańska, Anna Cwener and Piotr Chmielewski, representing the Naturalists' Club, presented the project's conservation activities. In turn, the Szczebrzeszyn Mayor proposed to organize a meeting at the beginning of July with landowners whose properties are within the site. A representative of the Agricultural and Environmental Advisory Centre was also present at the meeting, and he offered his help in negotiating with the farmers.