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The conference in Kazimierz Dolny
In 26-28 May 2014, in Kazimierz Dolny, near Vistula valley the conference, organized by the RDO¦ in Lublin entitled "Praktyczne efekty realizacji projektów czynnej ochrony przyrody wspó³finansowanych ze ¶rodków Unii Europejskiej" ("Practical effects of active protection projects realization financed by European Commission") took place. The aim of the meeting was to summarize Project "Ochrona siedlisk przyrodniczych i gatunków na obszarach sieci Natura 2000 w województwie lubelskim" ("Habitats and species protection on Natura 2000 sites within Lublin voivodship") POI¦.05.01.00-00-228/09, supported by European Funds for Regional Development in Poland as part of Infrastructure and Environment Programme. During the conference several projects concerning nature conservation, realized within Lublin voivodship had been presented, including our project "Conservation and restoration of xerothermic grasslands in Poland - theory and practice".